
Integer Transformation Problem


整数变换问题。关于整数 i 的变换 f 和 g 定义如下:f(i)=3i;g(i)=i/2 (向下取整)。 试设计一个算法,对于给定的 2 个整数 n 和 m,用最少的 f 和 g 变换次数将 n 变换为 m。 例如,可以将整数 15 用 4 次变换将它变换为整数 4:4=gfgg(15)。当整数 n 不可能变换 为整数 m 时,算法应如何处理?


由文件 input.txt 给出输入数据。第一行有 2 个正整数 n 和 m。


将计算出的最少变换次数以及相应的变换序列输出到文件 output.txt。文件的第一行是 最少变换次数。文件的第 2 行是相应的变换序列。




15 4


output.txt 4 gfgg



定义 转变函数 (Transformation Function)

由于需要求出,对于给定输入整数n,是否可以 某种转变函数序列转变整数m

我们不妨首先考虑使用 Brute-Force Method来处理该问题。

因为存在2种转变方式,所以我们定义的递归是 2路递归

换句话说,这个 递归方法产生的 解空间树是一颗 二叉树

同时,我们通过题意可知,递归次数的下界0,但 递归次数的上界未知。

我们做一个 猜测:如果 递归次数超过 整数n,则 不太可能 存在解。

于是,对于该方法,我们会按照 深度优先搜索的顺序来访问 解空间树

假设我们已知拥有了 整颗解空间树 (二叉树)。则实际上,我们会直观地发现,

我们会从 树根节点开始,沿着一条 路径深度搜索,直到抵达 我们设定的最大层次 (也就是我们预测的递归次数的上界),再进行 回溯。(这个过程产生的方案是:

graph TD;
root((root)) --> f((f));
style f fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
root((root)) --> g((g));
f --> ff((f));
style ff fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
f --> fg((g));
g --> gf((f));
g --> gg((g));
ff --> fff((f));
style fff fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ff --> ffg((g));
fg --> fgf((f));
fg --> fgg((g));
gf --> gff((f));
gf --> gfg((g));
gg --> ggf((f));
gg --> ggg((g));
fff --> ffff((f));
style ffff fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> fffg((g));
ffg --> ffgf((f));
ffg --> ffgg((g));
fgf --> fgff((f));
fgf --> fgfg((g));
fgg --> fggf((f));
fgg --> fggg((g));
gff --> gfff((f));
gff --> gffg((g));
gfg --> gfgf((f));
gfg --> gfgg((g));
ggf --> ggff((f));
ggf --> ggfg((g));
ggg --> gggf((f));
ggg --> gggg((g));

当然,如果说,在 沿着当前路径 抵达人为设定的递归的最大深度之前,我们 幸运地发现,已经找到了

但是请注意:这个 并不一定是 最优解,因为我们实际上进行的是 深度优先搜索

这个解只不过是 当前搜索路径上的 最优解:因为在 当前搜索路径上,该解第一个被发现的解

根据题目的性质,我们可以知道,在该条路径上的后续发现的解 并不会 优于 在该条路径上被发现的第一个解

如果,我们 十分不幸运,在 沿着该条深度优先搜索路径 抵达我们人为设定的最大递归深度时,仍然 未发现解

则此时我们方法会见 回溯1步

graph TD;
root((root)) --> f((f));
style f fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
root((root)) --> g((g));
f --> ff((f));
style ff fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
f --> fg((g));
g --> gf((f));
g --> gg((g));
ff --> fff((f));
style fff fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ff --> ffg((g));
fg --> fgf((f));
fg --> fgg((g));
gf --> gff((f));
gf --> gfg((g));
gg --> ggf((f));
gg --> ggg((g));
fff --> ffff((f));
fff --> fffg((g));
style fffg fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ffg --> ffgf((f));
ffg --> ffgg((g));
fgf --> fgff((f));
fgf --> fgfg((g));
fgg --> fggf((f));
fgg --> fggg((g));
gff --> gfff((f));
gff --> gffg((g));
gfg --> gfgf((f));
gfg --> gfgg((g));
ggf --> ggff((f));
ggf --> ggfg((g));
ggg --> gggf((f));
ggg --> gggg((g));


如果此时还 未发现解,则 再回溯1步

graph TD;
root((root)) --> f((f));
style f fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
root((root)) --> g((g));
f --> ff((f));
style ff fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
f --> fg((g));
g --> gf((f));
g --> gg((g));
ff --> fff((f));
ff --> ffg((g));
style ffg fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fg --> fgf((f));
fg --> fgg((g));
gf --> gff((f));
gf --> gfg((g));
gg --> ggf((f));
gg --> ggg((g));
fff --> ffff((f));
fff --> fffg((g));
ffg --> ffgf((f));
style ffgf fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ffg --> ffgg((g));
fgf --> fgff((f));
fgf --> fgfg((g));
fgg --> fggf((f));
fgg --> fggg((g));
gff --> gfff((f));
gff --> gffg((g));
gfg --> gfgf((f));
gfg --> gfgg((g));
ggf --> ggff((f));
ggf --> ggfg((g));
ggg --> gggf((f));
ggg --> gggg((g));

如果仍然 未发现解,则 再回溯一步

graph TD;
root((root)) --> f((f));
style f fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
root((root)) --> g((g));
f --> ff((f));
style ff fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
f --> fg((g));
g --> gf((f));
g --> gg((g));
ff --> fff((f));
ff --> ffg((g));
style ffg fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fg --> fgf((f));
fg --> fgg((g));
gf --> gff((f));
gf --> gfg((g));
gg --> ggf((f));
gg --> ggg((g));
fff --> ffff((f));
fff --> fffg((g));
ffg --> ffgf((f));
ffg --> ffgg((g));
style ffgg fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgf --> fgff((f));
fgf --> fgfg((g));
fgg --> fggf((f));
fgg --> fggg((g));
gff --> gfff((f));
gff --> gffg((g));
gfg --> gfgf((f));
gfg --> gfgg((g));
ggf --> ggff((f));
ggf --> ggfg((g));
ggg --> gggf((f));
ggg --> gggg((g));

对此,我们发现一个 比较严重的问题

我们观察到,该 深度优先搜索方法在 每一个递归层次都会 按顺序执行

所以,它会先 沿着一条路径不断下降到

graph TD;
root((root)) --> f((f));
style f fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
root((root)) --> g((g));
f --> ff((f));
style ff fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
f --> fg((g));
g --> gf((f));
g --> gg((g));
ff --> fff((f));
style fff fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ff --> ffg((g));
fg --> fgf((f));
fg --> fgg((g));
gf --> gff((f));
gf --> gfg((g));
gg --> ggf((f));
gg --> ggg((g));
fff --> ffff((f));
style ffff fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> fffg((g));
ffg --> ffgf((f));
ffg --> ffgg((g));
fgf --> fgff((f));
fgf --> fgfg((g));
fgg --> fggf((f));
fgg --> fggg((g));
gff --> gfff((f));
gff --> gffg((g));
gfg --> gfgf((f));
gfg --> gfgg((g));
ggf --> ggff((f));
ggf --> ggfg((g));
ggg --> gggf((f));
ggg --> gggg((g));

如果,我们要寻找的 最优解它不是以 作为前缀的

那么,我们对 这整条深度优先搜索路径所做的搜索的工作 都是浪费的

更极端地,如果 最优解,那么,我们 所做的绝大部分搜索都将是 无用的

graph TD;
root((root)) --> f((f));
root((root)) --> g((g));
style g fill:lightgreen,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
f --> ff((f));
f --> fg((g));
g --> gf((f));
g --> gg((g));
style gg fill:lightgreen,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ff --> fff((f));
ff --> ffg((g));
fg --> fgf((f));
fg --> fgg((g));
gf --> gff((f));
gf --> gfg((g));
gg --> ggf((f));
gg --> ggg((g));
style ggg fill:lightgreen,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> ffff((f));
fff --> fffg((g));
ffg --> ffgf((f));
ffg --> ffgg((g));
fgf --> fgff((f));
fgf --> fgfg((g));
fgg --> fggf((f));
fgg --> fggg((g));
gff --> gfff((f));
gff --> gffg((g));
gfg --> gfgf((f));
gfg --> gfgg((g));
ggf --> ggff((f));
ggf --> ggfg((g));
ggg --> gggf((f));
ggg --> gggg((g));
style gggg fill:lightgreen,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

不妨再考虑一个 不幸运的情况最优解 如果是 以g作为前缀,但 它的长度却比较小

那么我们也会做 大部分没有意义的搜索,因为该 算法不管 最优解的长度有多么小,都要按 深度优先搜索的方式,不断下降(使转变函数序列的长度增长),不断 下降回溯 寻求解。(如果在 下降过程没有发现解,那么就只能通过 回溯后接着 下降,再继续寻找解)

Iterative-Deepening DFS

首先,我们解决一下 这个不幸运的情况:如果 最优解它足够短,我们希望 搜索算法不要 下降到我们设定的最大深度,然后通过 逐步回溯来发现这个 长度较短的最优解。而是说,我们希望让 搜索算法尽量找找看,有没有 长度较短的解,如果 长度较短的解 的确找不到,那么我们再 寻找长度较长的解

实际上,根据这道题目的性质。我们也不应该采用 深度优先搜索

因此,我们可以使用 迭代加深搜索 (Iterative-Deepening DFS)

graph TD;
root((root)) --> f((f));
style f fill:lightpink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
root((root)) --> g((g));
f --> ff((f));
style ff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
f --> fg((g));
style fg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
g --> gf((f));
style gf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
g --> gg((g));
style gg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ff --> fff((f));
style fff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ff --> ffg((g));
style ffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fg --> fgf((f));
style fgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fg --> fgg((g));
style fgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gf --> gff((f));
style gff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gf --> gfg((g));
style gfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gg --> ggf((f));
style ggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gg --> ggg((g));
style ggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> ffff((f));
style ffff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> fffg((g));
style fffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ffg --> ffgf((f));
style ffgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ffg --> ffgg((g));
style ffgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgf --> fgff((f));
style fgff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgf --> fgfg((g));
style fgfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgg --> fggf((f));
style fggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgg --> fggg((g));
style fggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gff --> gfff((f));
style gfff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gff --> gffg((g));
style gffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gfg --> gfgf((f));
style gfgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gfg --> gfgg((g));
style gfgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggf --> ggff((f));
style ggff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggf --> ggfg((g));
style ggfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggg --> gggf((f));
style gggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggg --> gggg((g));
style gggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

graph TD;
root((root)) --> f((f));
root((root)) --> g((g));
style g fill:lightpink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
f --> ff((f));
style ff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
f --> fg((g));
style fg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
g --> gf((f));
style gf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
g --> gg((g));
style gg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ff --> fff((f));
style fff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ff --> ffg((g));
style ffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fg --> fgf((f));
style fgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fg --> fgg((g));
style fgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gf --> gff((f));
style gff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gf --> gfg((g));
style gfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gg --> ggf((f));
style ggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gg --> ggg((g));
style ggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> ffff((f));
style ffff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> fffg((g));
style fffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ffg --> ffgf((f));
style ffgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ffg --> ffgg((g));
style ffgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgf --> fgff((f));
style fgff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgf --> fgfg((g));
style fgfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgg --> fggf((f));
style fggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgg --> fggg((g));
style fggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gff --> gfff((f));
style gfff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gff --> gffg((g));
style gffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gfg --> gfgf((f));
style gfgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gfg --> gfgg((g));
style gfgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggf --> ggff((f));
style ggff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggf --> ggfg((g));
style ggfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggg --> gggf((f));
style gggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggg --> gggg((g));
style gggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

graph TD;
root((root)) --> f((f));
style f fill:lightpink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
root((root)) --> g((g));
f --> ff((f));
style ff fill:lightpink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
f --> fg((g));
g --> gf((f));
g --> gg((g));
ff --> fff((f));
style fff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ff --> ffg((g));
style ffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fg --> fgf((f));
style fgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fg --> fgg((g));
style fgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gf --> gff((f));
style gff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gf --> gfg((g));
style gfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gg --> ggf((f));
style ggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gg --> ggg((g));
style ggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> ffff((f));
style ffff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> fffg((g));
style fffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ffg --> ffgf((f));
style ffgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ffg --> ffgg((g));
style ffgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgf --> fgff((f));
style fgff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgf --> fgfg((g));
style fgfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgg --> fggf((f));
style fggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgg --> fggg((g));
style fggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gff --> gfff((f));
style gfff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gff --> gffg((g));
style gffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gfg --> gfgf((f));
style gfgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gfg --> gfgg((g));
style gfgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggf --> ggff((f));
style ggff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggf --> ggfg((g));
style ggfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggg --> gggf((f));
style gggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggg --> gggg((g));
style gggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

graph TD;
root((root)) --> f((f));
style f fill:lightpink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
root((root)) --> g((g));
f --> ff((f));
f --> fg((g));
style fg fill:lightpink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
g --> gf((f));
g --> gg((g));
ff --> fff((f));
style fff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ff --> ffg((g));
style ffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fg --> fgf((f));
style fgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fg --> fgg((g));
style fgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gf --> gff((f));
style gff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gf --> gfg((g));
style gfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gg --> ggf((f));
style ggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gg --> ggg((g));
style ggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> ffff((f));
style ffff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fff --> fffg((g));
style fffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ffg --> ffgf((f));
style ffgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ffg --> ffgg((g));
style ffgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgf --> fgff((f));
style fgff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgf --> fgfg((g));
style fgfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgg --> fggf((f));
style fggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
fgg --> fggg((g));
style fggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gff --> gfff((f));
style gfff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gff --> gffg((g));
style gffg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gfg --> gfgf((f));
style gfgf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
gfg --> gfgg((g));
style gfgg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggf --> ggff((f));
style ggff fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggf --> ggfg((g));
style ggfg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggg --> gggf((f));
style gggf fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
ggg --> gggg((g));
style gggg fill:lightgray,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px


  • 我们可以 立即返回是因为:根据 题目性质,要求求解 最短/最小的解

  • 算法最终 报告无解并不一定表示 原问题无解:这取决于 我们设定的最大递归深度

    最大深度的设定需要我们根据题目分析得到,它可以是 静态的,也可以是 动态的

    它可以是 不确切的上界,但至少我们希望 要保证k足够大,使得不会遗漏解





    public static int f(int i) {
        return 3 * i;

    public static int g(int i) {
        return i / 2;
    public static String ans_string;
    public static void solve(int n, int m, int limit, String ops) {
        // Base Case
        if ((n == m) || (n == 0) || (m == 0) || (ops.length() > ans_string.length()) || limit >= 30) {
            if (n == m) {
                if (ops.length() < ans_string.length()) {
                    ans_string = ops;
        // Recursion Case
        solve(f(n), m, limit + 1, "f" + ops);
        solve(g(n), m, limit + 1, "g" + ops);
Current Case: & FUNC0.out
Expected  Input: [15 4]
Expected Output: [4, gfgg]
Your     Output: [4, gfgg]
Time Cost: 157.343000 ms (157343000 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC1.out
Expected  Input: [115 8]
Expected Output: [9, gggggggff]
Your     Output: [9, gggggggff]
Time Cost: 3852.005300 ms (3852005300 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC10.out
Expected  Input: [11838 127878]
Expected Output: [25, ggffffggggfgggfffffgggggf]
Your     Output: [25, ggffffggggfgggfffffgggggf]
Time Cost: 15302.874100 ms (15302874100 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC2.out
Expected  Input: [82 54]
Expected Output: [8, fffggggg]
Your     Output: [8, fffggggg]
Time Cost: 295.231800 ms (295231800 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC3.out
Expected  Input: [56 125]
Expected Output: [22, ggggggffffffgggggggfff]
Your     Output: [22, ggggggffffffgggggggfff]
Time Cost: 3743.782100 ms (3743782100 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC4.out
Expected  Input: [115 111]
Expected Output: [18, fgfgfgggggfffggggf]
Your     Output: [18, fgfgfgggggfffggggf]
Time Cost: 13528.005700 ms (13528005700 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC5.out
Expected  Input: [210 24907]
Expected Output: [24, gffgggggfffffffffggggggf]
Your     Output: [24, gffgggggfffffffffggggggf]
Time Cost: 14796.151600 ms (14796151600 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC6.out
Expected  Input: [50961 91791]
Expected Output: [25, fggffffgggggggggggggfffff]
Your     Output: [25, fggffffgggggggggggggfffff]
Time Cost: 2660.372100 ms (2660372100 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC7.out
Expected  Input: [59338 486]
Expected Output: [22, fffffggggggggggggggggf]
Your     Output: [22, fffffggggggggggggggggf]
Time Cost: 2700.998700 ms (2700998700 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC8.out
Expected  Input: [53530 750062539]
Expected Output: [25, gfgfgfffffffffggfgggggfff]
Your     Output: [25, gfgfgfffffffffggfgggggfff]
Time Cost: 5185.903400 ms (5185903400 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC9.out
Expected  Input: [96418 37529284]
Expected Output: [25, gffffffgggggggggggfffffff]
Your     Output: [25, gffffffgggggggggggfffffff]
Time Cost: 2065.022700 ms (2065022700 ns)
Result Statistics: √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 

Iterative Deepening DFS

    public static int f(int i) {
        return 3 * i;

    public static int g(int i) {
        return i / 2;
    /* Global Variable */
    private static int n;
    private static int m;
    private static int k;
    private static boolean[] performF;
    public static int estimate(int n, int m) {
        return n;
    public static boolean found() {
        int value = n;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
            if (performF[i]) {
                value = f(value);
            } else value = g(value);
        return value == m;
    public static void printCurrentPlan() {
        for (int i = k - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            System.out.print(performF[i] ? "f" : "g");
    public static boolean search(int depth) {
        /* Base Case */
        if (depth >= k) {
            return found();
        /* Recursion Case */
        // At any depth, we can have 2 choices:
        /* Perform f */
        performF[depth] = true;
        if (search(depth + 1)) {
            return true;
        /* Perform g */
        performF[depth] = false;
        if (search(depth + 1)) {
            return true;
        // If we can't perform either f or g, we backtrack
        return false;
    public static void solve(Scanner scanner) {
        n = scanner.nextInt();
        m = scanner.nextInt();
        int estimate = estimate(n, m);
        performF = new boolean[estimate + 1];
        /* K-Search */
        // k means perform tiems
        for (k = 0; k <= estimate; k++) {
            if (search(0)) {
Current Case: & FUNC0.out
Expected  Input: [15 4]
Expected Output: [4, gfgg]
Your     Output: [4, gfgg]
Time Cost: 3.844700 ms (3844700 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC1.out
Expected  Input: [115 8]
Expected Output: [9, gggggggff]
Your     Output: [9, gggggggff]
Time Cost: 1.549000 ms (1549000 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC10.out
Expected  Input: [11838 127878]
Expected Output: [25, ggffffggggfgggfffffgggggf]
Your     Output: [25, ggffffggggfgggfffffgggggf]
Time Cost: 2137.224700 ms (2137224700 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC2.out
Expected  Input: [82 54]
Expected Output: [8, fffggggg]
Your     Output: [8, fffggggg]
Time Cost: 0.945200 ms (945200 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC3.out
Expected  Input: [56 125]
Expected Output: [22, ggggggffffffgggggggfff]
Your     Output: [22, ggggggffffffgggggggfff]
Time Cost: 193.517300 ms (193517300 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC4.out
Expected  Input: [115 111]
Expected Output: [18, fgfgfgggggfffggggf]
Your     Output: [18, fgfgfgggggfffggggf]
Time Cost: 16.105000 ms (16105000 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC5.out
Expected  Input: [210 24907]
Expected Output: [24, gffgggggfffffffffggggggf]
Your     Output: [24, gffgggggfffffffffggggggf]
Time Cost: 1017.764000 ms (1017764000 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC6.out
Expected  Input: [50961 91791]
Expected Output: [25, fggffffgggggggggggggfffff]
Your     Output: [25, fggffffgggggggggggggfffff]
Time Cost: 1749.323400 ms (1749323400 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC7.out
Expected  Input: [59338 486]
Expected Output: [22, fffffggggggggggggggggf]
Your     Output: [22, fffffggggggggggggggggf]
Time Cost: 256.666400 ms (256666400 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC8.out
Expected  Input: [53530 750062539]
Expected Output: [25, gfgfgfffffffffggfgggggfff]
Your     Output: [25, gfgfgfffffffffggfgggggfff]
Time Cost: 1587.514600 ms (1587514600 ns)
Current Case: & FUNC9.out
Expected  Input: [96418 37529284]
Expected Output: [25, gffffffgggggggggggfffffff]
Your     Output: [25, gffffffgggggggggggfffffff]
Time Cost: 1395.128700 ms (1395128700 ns)
Result Statistics: √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 

Computation without Priority Problem


给定 n 个正整数和 4 个运算符+、-、∗、/,且运算符无优先级,如 2+3∗5=25。对于 任意给定的整数 m,试设计一个算法,用以上给出的 n 个数和 4 个运算符,产生整数 m, 且用的运算次数最少。给出的 n 个数中每个数最多只能用 1 次,但每种运算符可以任意使用。


对于给定的 n 个正整数,设计一个算法,用最少的无优先级运算次数产生整数 m。


由文件 input.txt 给出输入数据。第一行有 2 个正整数 n 和 m。第 2 行是给定的用于运算 的 n 个正整数。




5 25 5 2 3 6 7



2 2+3*5



我们给出该问题的 BFS Method,该解法使用 Token存储 已使用的数字参与运算的运算符信息。

递归过程维护 Token的链表,通过 遍历Token链表来获得一个 运算方案


不同于 Integer Transformation Problem递归过程:在 DFS树每一层只需要选择 转变方法

Computation without Priority Problem递归过程:在 DFS树每一层 不但要选择 使用的数字,还要选择 使用的运算符

不过,这并没有什么不同。因为,我们使用的是 回溯法

我们只管 尝试所有可能的选法,如果最终 发现确实 DFS树的某层的选择确实是错的,

那么我们进行 回溯即可!然后继续寻找 问题的解

另外,这里我们不讨论 剪枝的问题,尽管使用 剪枝可以再进一步优化该方法。



    enum Operators {

        private final String operatorString;
        Operators(String operatorString) {
            this.operatorString = operatorString;
        public String toString() {
            return this.operatorString;
    static class Token {
        public Token parent;
        public int value;
        public int operand;
        public String operator;
        public int length;
        public Token(Token parent, int value, int operand, String operator) {
            this.parent = parent;
            this.value = value;
            this.operand = operand;
            this.operator = operator;
            this.length = parent != null ? parent.length + 1 : 1;
        public ArrayList<Integer> listUsedOperands() {
            ArrayList<Integer> operands = new ArrayList<>();
            Token current = this;
            while (current != null) {
                current = current.parent;
            return operands;
        public String getPath() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            getPath(sb, this);
            return sb.toString();
        private void getPath(StringBuilder sb, Token currentToken) {
            if (currentToken != null) {
                getPath(sb, currentToken.parent);
        public String toString() {
            return this.getPath();

    Current Case: & ARIT0.out
    Expected  Input: [5 25, 5 2 3 6 7]
    Expected Output: [2, 2+3*5]
    5 2 3 6 7
    0 0 0 0 0
    public static Token solve(ArrayList<Integer> nums, int m) {
        /* Initialize the tokens */
        LinkedList<Token> tokens = new LinkedList<>();
        for (int num : nums) {
            // If we are lucky enough...
            if (num == m) return new Token(null, m, m, Operators.NONE.toString());
            tokens.add(new Token(null, num, num, Operators.NONE.toString()));
        /* Brute-Force-Search */
        for (int level = 0; level < nums.size(); level++) {
            int SIZE = tokens.size();
            for (int amount = 0; amount < SIZE; amount++) {
                /* Get the first token */
                Token currentToken = tokens.poll();
                /* Generate tokens */
                // Get unused nums
                ArrayList<Integer> unusedNums = new ArrayList<>(nums);
                // Try all operators
                for (int num : unusedNums) {
                    for (Operators operator : Operators.values()) {
                        if (operator == Operators.NONE) continue;
                        int newValue;
                        switch (operator) {
                            case ADDICTION:
                                newValue = currentToken.value + num;
                            case SUBTRACTION:
                                newValue = currentToken.value - num;
                            case MULTIPLICATION:
                                newValue = currentToken.value * num;
                            case DIVISION:
                                newValue = currentToken.value / num;
                                newValue = 0xdead;
                        /* Push */
                        Token newToken = new Token(currentToken, newValue, num, operator.toString());
                        /* Found ? */
                        if (newToken.value == m) {
                            return newToken;
                        } else tokens.add(newToken);
        return null;
Current Case: & ARIT0.out
Expected  Input: [5 25, 5 2 3 6 7]
Expected Output: [2, 2+3*5]
Your     Output: [2, 2+3*5]
Time Cost: 7.099500 ms (7099500 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT1.out
Expected  Input: [30 2894, 2 40 2 50 48 23 39 26 23 42 36 29 35 17 39 16 48 12 45 20 35 19 20 3 15 42 1 49 45 10 ]
Expected Output: [3, 40+39*36+50]
Your     Output: [3, 40+39*36+50]
Time Cost: 477.980500 ms (477980500 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT10.out
Expected  Input: [6 721, 1 2 3 4 5 6]
Expected Output: [5, 2*3*4*5*6+1]
Your     Output: [5, 2*3*4*5*6+1]
Time Cost: 38.360500 ms (38360500 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT2.out
Expected  Input: [21 11573, 16 17 3 12 24 49 25 18 28 5 38 8 22 3 11 11 16 21 4 11 32 ]
Expected Output: [4, 16+3*38*16+21]
Your     Output: [4, 16*17+32*38+21]
Time Cost: 7109.397600 ms (7109397600 ns)
Wrong Answer.
Current Case: & ARIT3.out
Expected  Input: [8 1554, 32 23 1 1 26 33 28 5 ]
Expected Output: [3, 33+28*26-32]
Your     Output: [3, 33+28*26-32]
Time Cost: 3.193600 ms (3193600 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT4.out
Expected  Input: [41 48, 34 44 38 38 28 38 39 45 34 19 13 4 36 41 32 30 8 31 10 15 32 27 34 38 4 42 35 49 23 27 18 30 9 6 2 47 47 16 48 9 17 ]
Expected Output: [0, 48]
Your     Output: [0, 48]
Time Cost: 1.859300 ms (1859300 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT5.out
Expected  Input: [17 11787, 3 9 37 7 7 11 32 48 34 3 31 20 27 38 19 27 17 ]
Expected Output: [3, 31*20*19+7]
Your     Output: [3, 31*20*19+7]
Time Cost: 47.619500 ms (47619500 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT6.out
Expected  Input: [4 24, 1 1 10 7]
Expected Output: [3, 1+1*7+10]
Your     Output: [3, 1+1*7+10]
Time Cost: 1.087000 ms (1087000 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT7.out
Expected  Input: [18 2553, 32 48 3 42 7 34 12 29 3 50 30 35 22 13 35 9 11 20 ]
Expected Output: [3, 32+29*42-9]
Your     Output: [3, 32+29*42-9]
Time Cost: 3.876700 ms (3876700 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT8.out
Expected  Input: [6 1234, 1 2 3 4 5 6]
Expected Output: [No Solution!]
Your     Output: [No Solution!]
Time Cost: 1250.530200 ms (1250530200 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT9.out
Expected  Input: [27 9546, 10 5 30 1 14 49 8 19 44 21 23 35 26 7 35 3 27 18 5 15 49 23 8 44 48 49 47 ]
Expected Output: [4, 10+14*19*21-30]
Your     Output: [4, 10*30-26*35-44]
Time Cost: 33963.559100 ms (33963559100 ns)
Wrong Answer.
Result Statistics: √ √ √ × √ √ √ √ √ √ × 

Iterative-Deeping DFS

    /* Global Variables */
    private enum Operators {

        private final String operatorString;
        Operators(String operatorString) {
            this.operatorString = operatorString;
        public String toString() {
            return this.operatorString;
    private static int k;
    private static int n;
    private static int m;
    private static int[] nums;
    private static boolean[] used;
    private static int[] operands;
    private static int[] operators;
    public static void printCurrentPlan() {
        // for n numbers, we can use k \in {0, 1, 2, ..., n-1} operators
        // k = 0 means that we don't need to use any operators
        for (int i = 0; i <= k; i++) {
            if (i > 0) System.out.print(Operators.values()[operators[i - 1]]);
    public static boolean found() {
        int sum = 0xdead;
        // k means the number of operands
        for (int i = 0; i <= k; i++) {
            // Push the first operand
            if (i == 0) {
                sum = operands[0];
            // Actually, we won't use the last index of operator
            // And if we only have one operand, we won't need to calc any operators. (just ignore the only operator at index 0)
            int operator = operators[i - 1];
            int operand = operands[i];
            // Calculate
            switch (Operators.values()[operator]) {
                case ADDICTION:
                    sum += operand;
                case SUBTRACTION:
                    sum -= operand;
                case MULTIPLICATION:
                    sum *= operand;
                case DIVISION:
                    sum /= operand;
        return sum == m;
    public static boolean search(int depth) {
        /* Base Case */
        if (depth > k) {
            return found();
        /* Recursive Case */
        // We can choose any of the unused numbers !
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
            // Skip the number if we have used it.
            if (used[i]) continue;
            else used[i] = true;
            // Use the number
            operands[depth] = nums[i];
            // Also, we can use any of the operators !
            for (int j = 0; j < Operators.values().length; j++) {
                // Use the operator
                operators[depth] = Operators.values()[j].ordinal();
                // Go !
                if (search(depth + 1)) {
                    // if not found, the recursion should go ahead
                    return true;
            // Free it !
            used[i] = false;
        return false;
    public static void solve(Scanner scanner) {
        /* Initialize */
        n = scanner.nextInt();
        nums = new int[n];
        used = new boolean[n];
        operands = new int[n];
        operators = new int[n];
        m = scanner.nextInt();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            nums[i] = scanner.nextInt();
        /* k-search */
        // k is the number of operands
        // for n, k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1
        for (k = 0; k < nums.length; k++) {
            if (search(0)) {
        System.out.println("No Solution!");
Current Case: & ARIT0.out
Expected  Input: [5 25, 5 2 3 6 7]
Expected Output: [2, 2+3*5]
Your     Output: [2, 2+3*5]
Time Cost: 6.820100 ms (6820100 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT1.out
Expected  Input: [30 2894, 2 40 2 50 48 23 39 26 23 42 36 29 35 17 39 16 48 12 45 20 35 19 20 3 15 42 1 49 45 10 ]
Expected Output: [3, 40+39*36+50]
Your     Output: [3, 40+39*36+50]
Time Cost: 473.039600 ms (473039600 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT10.out
Expected  Input: [6 721, 1 2 3 4 5 6]
Expected Output: [5, 2*3*4*5*6+1]
Your     Output: [5, 2*3*4*5*6+1]
Time Cost: 266.458500 ms (266458500 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT2.out
Expected  Input: [21 11573, 16 17 3 12 24 49 25 18 28 5 38 8 22 3 11 11 16 21 4 11 32 ]
Expected Output: [4, 16+3*38*16+21]
Your     Output: [4, 16+3*38*16+21]
Time Cost: 2210.722500 ms (2210722500 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT3.out
Expected  Input: [8 1554, 32 23 1 1 26 33 28 5 ]
Expected Output: [3, 33+28*26-32]
Your     Output: [3, 33+28*26-32]
Time Cost: 17.388700 ms (17388700 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT4.out
Expected  Input: [41 48, 34 44 38 38 28 38 39 45 34 19 13 4 36 41 32 30 8 31 10 15 32 27 34 38 4 42 35 49 23 27 18 30 9 6 2 47 47 16 48 9 17 ]
Expected Output: [0, 48]
Your     Output: [0, 48]
Time Cost: 1.912900 ms (1912900 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT5.out
Expected  Input: [17 11787, 3 9 37 7 7 11 32 48 34 3 31 20 27 38 19 27 17 ]
Expected Output: [3, 31*20*19+7]
Your     Output: [3, 31*20*19+7]
Time Cost: 510.196400 ms (510196400 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT6.out
Expected  Input: [4 24, 1 1 10 7]
Expected Output: [3, 1+1*7+10]
Your     Output: [3, 1+1*7+10]
Time Cost: 1.734900 ms (1734900 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT7.out
Expected  Input: [18 2553, 32 48 3 42 7 34 12 29 3 50 30 35 22 13 35 9 11 20 ]
Expected Output: [3, 32+29*42-9]
Your     Output: [3, 32+29*42-9]
Time Cost: 17.189900 ms (17189900 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT8.out
Expected  Input: [6 1234, 1 2 3 4 5 6]
Expected Output: [No Solution!]
Your     Output: [No Solution!]
Time Cost: 293.963800 ms (293963800 ns)
Current Case: & ARIT9.out
Expected  Input: [27 9546, 10 5 30 1 14 49 8 19 44 21 23 35 26 7 35 3 27 18 5 15 49 23 8 44 48 49 47 ]
Expected Output: [4, 10+14*19*21-30]
Your     Output: [4, 10+14*19*21-30]
Time Cost: 5940.226300 ms (5940226300 ns)
Result Statistics: √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √