Comparing the Emacs and Jetbrains Idea in Java Development environment.
The Emacs is a general purpose editor for all editing tasks, including Java. We configure the Emacs using lsp-java
package with jdtls server
The Jetbrains Idea is a feature-rich IDE for Java language.
Why Emacs?
Picking Emacs for the following reasons:
- Fully keyboard-driven development workflow. You can do window-switcting, buffer-swapping, cursor-jumping, mark-setting easily without a mouse.
- Emacs has the best vi emulator named evil-mode, which is better than IdeaVim plugin in Jetbrains platform, and alternatives in vscode.
- Fully customizable editor, the keymap in Emacs is easier and powerful, and it’s also easy to compose a new command based on existing commands.
- Has gradle project support, and it can integrate with lombok via adding a vmargs for jdtls server.
The weakness:
- Emacs is single-threaded, the async IO performance is poor. This is noticable while sending a lsp completion request. (Solution: use
package.) - Emacs is usable for pure Java development environment, for a specific framework project, like Minecraft Mod Development, still lacking the framework-supporting package. It’s usable, but not sweet like Jetbrains Idea. (Solution: write it yourself man!)
- Some sweet features is missing, like grep a text over all 3rd jar files in building environment. The workaround is to download a copy of sources of your 3rd files. (Solution: use
pakcage and write the other functions based on lsp protocol.) - Better indexing for symbols in 3rd libraries. The de-compiler failed to de-compile some class files, causing the goto-reference failed. (Solution: use
de-compiler instead of the defaultfernflower
Emacs wins for context-switching, text editing experience.
Jetbrain Idea wins for async IO, better xref, rich framework-specific extension support.